A Painted House (2003 TV Movie)
Sort of a shotgun style of directing.
11 June 2022
Reminds me of Jerry Clower's famous "Well shoot up here amongst us..One of us got to have some relief." They're kind hearted bigots who flip-flop so often you'll identify with some part of their ways. Luke is all over the map with his lying about a cold blooded murder of a white trash neighbor then he lies again when Cowboy has to kill the same murderer in self-defense. Seems his moral teachings are based on skin color and social status.

And from the first second she appears Luke and Tilly have a very weird sexual undertone going on. He's a farmer...how curious could he be??? Then we have ol' Can't Get Right with his mysterious affliction that prevents him from even lying under the cotton wagon instead of taking away a pair of hands to watch him. Only he is walking to town buying paint and painting a house so neatly nobody sees paint spatter on his clothes and says 'That ol' boy there is painting our house.' Let's not forget the Uncle who knocked up the sharecropper's daughter has a family who is way above such people as sharecroppers and Siscos. They are all fine 'Christians' of the old Plantation morals. Why Massah Chandler what y'all doing in those slave cabins at night???

Actually slaves usually got Sundays off but when the cotton was being picked it was in the fields before daylight until after dark and you ate in the fields 7 days a week. Be a darn shame if you wasted 2 hours a day going to the house for dinner and half of Saturday and all of Sunday doing nothing. It might rain and you'll lose a lot of cotton that should have been picked.
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