Review of Mac and Me

Mac and Me (1988)
Recommended on a "so awful it is good" movie list
16 June 2022
I watched this one because I used to be a fan of awful movies. They cracked me up, but were not trying to be funny. This one was trying to be funny and I don't think I laughed once.

I give all the actors credit for being very attractive to watch and also being good actors in the roles played. If it wasn't for them I could not have made it to the end of this muddled and extremely cheesy story.

It is extremely difficult to make aliens believable in a movie like this. Opening the movie with the aliens was not subtle. The production team seemed to LOVE overexposing the audience with their alien creations, which I believe were actual people in body suits?

I heard about and was interested in seeing the scene at McDonald's, 55 minutes into the movie. It was even more bizarre than I expected. I also did not realize this would be the cheesiest product placement film ever! I believe E. T. was the first to advertise a product in a movie in 1982 with Reese's Pieces. They went ALL OUT in this movie and COKE was used in a similar manner to Reeses Pieces, even to the point of saying "This must be like what they drink on their planet".

Overall, it was not that enjoyable of a movie for me. I hope the actors were able to recover from it.
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