Drinking game: Do a shot every time Adam says "trust the government"!
17 June 2022
I think mainly what's missing (compared to ARE) is the dynamic of the fast-talking smartass know-it-all vs. The average dumb-dumbs getting all those hard-truth bandaids ripped off. Adam is a lot more humble in this show, less know-it-all, and waaaaay more "glass half full" Polyannaish (specifically towards our government - but when Obama is the producer, I guess I can't expect Adam to go full anarchist anyway, but this show has no teeth, no claws... I wish Bernie had produced it!)

Seriously, though, read the room, Adam. (That's right, I'm pretending Adam is reading this.) Now was not the time for a "give the government a chance, they're not that bad" show. We wanted you to turn our world upside in tiny ways, not attempt to restore our faith in the US government. That's not gonna happen right now. You and your people are smart enough, ya'll could have figured out how to inspire your demographic to take an active role in US government without fellating Uncle Sam right in front of us. And what's with that mother-reading-to-her-infant tone you take whenever you say something even remotely critical of our government? Ew, Adam!
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