Mildly Amusing Swedish Sex Comedy
22 June 2022
The Lustful Vicar is an enjoyable enough rural period sex comedy from Sweden. It is certainly not essential cinema, but it is amusing enough if one is in the right mind.

The plot has a new vicar (Jarl Borssen) arriving at a rural village to take over the spiritual duties of the community ("assuming the position" is how the somewhat inexperienced vicar puts it). Most of men in the village are gone, having been conscripted into wartime service. The vicar is one of the few men in the village, a rather precarious position for a man of the cloth.

Unfortunately for the hero, also living in the village is Barbro (Annegrethe Nissen), the daughter of a woman the vicar's father had burnt as a witch. Determined to get revenge for her mother, Barbro first uses two experienced lasses in the village to try and seduce the vicar. When this doesn't work, she puts a curse on the vicar causing his penis to remain erect. She places this curse the day before the vicar is to meet with the local bishop. What follows is somewhat predictable but also amusing. Most every lonely woman in the village wants to help the vicar with his problem, all in the name of charity of course (nod nod wink wink).

The Lustful Vicar is a breezy sex comedy. It's not overly funny, but it is light, the Nordic actresses are attractive, and there is some mild - very mild - social satire. The vicar is far from the fire and brimstone type that was his father, so he is not a villain (a bit of a dolt, perhaps, but not a villain). One hates to praise the film too much, since it is a modest sex farce, but a viewer could do much worse.
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