Review of Vendetta

Vendetta (I) (2022)
Unbelievably Stupid Script
1 July 2022
Literally - the script is unbelievably stupid, filled with illogical actions and idiotic characters. I couldn't even comprehend how a screenplay this bad could get past the usual phalanx of development execs, producers, agents, actors and at least one director a script usually needs to please to get made. Then I checked the credits and discovered that the writer was also the director and he cranks out half-a-dozen of these crapfests every year - a bad case of cinematic diarrhea.

So I guess he doesn't have time to watch Cops or otherwise figure out how police operate in the real world or how real gangsters handle their business.

Nothing in this movie rings true. It's just a series of dumb and dumber scenes designed to accommodate a bunch of gunfire and martial arts shenanigans.

To be fair, the film looks pretty good. The cinematography is very nice and the actors give it their all. Unfortunately, for many - including the bigger name actors in this mess - that amounts to the level of thespianism usually reached by stunt men cast to pad the ranks of the bad guys in B movies. Stiff, shallow, overwrought characterizations.

Bad acting, a ridiculous script with not a drop of suspense or a single character you care about. Braindead fun for the feeble-minded.
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