Much better than all of the Resident Evil movies (and the new Netflix series)
12 July 2022
Although that's a very low bar to clear. The movie does have game-like stages. Good writing although probably more rewarding to Spanish speakers. And also there're a few deus-ex conveniences and you can pretty much guess who'll make it to the end bar one but that one person is for the usual wokeness brigade/cancel culture.

High production value given how cheap the last RE movie that costs 20 million dollars (after tax break) looks. Although the stretching of the budget is visible now and then. And Frank Darabont won't be happy with the zombie make-up but hey who cares, the movie is fast-paced and will end before you know it. That's entertainment!

Overall it's a decent watch and all of us zombie-genre lovers can breathe easier that this is not junk.

And please avoid the new Netflix Resident Evil series. 8 hours of my life I never get back.
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