Infrared (2022)
24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Directors and writers Robert Livings and Randy Nundlall Jr. Have gone back to the found footage well for a movie about a show also called Infrared which has a paranormal investigator and his production crew searching for ghosts at the Lincoln School, an abandoned and possibly haunted place scheduled to be razed.

Wes (Jesse Janzen) is the exorcist. His sister Izzy (Leah Finity) is a medium. Randy (Randy Nundlall Jr.) is the producer. Austin (Austin Blank) and Rob (Robert Livings) are here on sound and camera. They're ready to make a paranormal TV show but searching for the kind of content that will break through what's on basic cable.

As they roll past the school, Wes becomes obsessed and convinces the caretaker (Greg Sestero from The Room) to let them inside. Years ago, a gas leak killed several students and a teacher and the place really is haunted, all while Wes and Izzy fight as they had a falling out years ago and never expected to work together again.

Honestly, I could never see another found footage movie again and be happy. This at least has a solid performance by Sestero and a pretty frightening last ten minutes, but getting there is filled with so much talking and enough shaky cam to make me nauseated. Even I have my limits.
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