3 Stars out of 5 Stars
31 July 2022
Dubbed: People calling this a reboot obviously didn't watch this 2 season series very well. While the show is confusing at first, toward the middle of the first season we start piecing together what happened to Kaneki after Root A, and why he's now working for the "bad guys"(?). Who are the bad guys in this franchise though like it seems like both sides have good and bad. Anyways, Ken Kaneki now goes by the name Haise Sasaki and he now works for the CCG (the organization that's trying to wipe ghouls off the face of the map). Plus, his attitude and behavior is shockingly different than Root A, so you can only expect the man was brainwashed. My main problem with this 2 season series is that they throw in way too many new characters. It got hard trying to keep up with everyone, especially since a lot of these characters don't bring much to the overall plot. I loved seeing all the OG characters back in the second season, and although the quality of the show looks like it dwindled compared to the first and second miniseries , I definitely enjoyed the conclusion to KenKaneki/Haise Sasaki, but it could of been way better. Even the very last frame of this show seemed like pure fan service.
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