Anyone familiar with the vagaries of the French lingo . . .
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . will know that when Fee-Fee rejects the clown's original marriage proposal, the subtitle writer SHOULD have spelled her reply "May, Non" instead of the erroneous "Me, No." Surely this will make it very difficult if not impossible for Francophile viewers to enjoy the rest of THE FLEA CIRCUS. Is it proper to fault the producers of the DVD set entitled Fred Avery Screwball Classics, Volume 2 for this assault against veracity? May, non. For that, blame the French, whose incomprehensible palavering has stumped those speaking our universal American language for centuries. Many people have written books about how devious, benighted, backwards, juvenile, slow, incongruous, rude, crass, messed up and counter-productive speaking French actually is, but many of these fail to sell a single copy because rational beings do not want to pay anything for the dubious "privilege" of becoming seriously depressed.
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