Brave New World (1980 TV Movie)
Good Enough For A Savage
11 August 2022
I've wondered for some time what a film adaptation of this book would look like. Well, I guess the answer is that the only way to take a stab at it is to make it into a two-part TV movie. Makes sense. I thought they did a pretty good job and was surprised at how much of the dialogue I'd actually committed to memory, adding to the fun. It strays from the book (just slightly) in a couple places so the movie makes more sense and possibly more interesting to someone who isn't familiar with the story and, that said, if you haven't read the book this might be a tough watch no matter what. It's an OK movie, based on an excellent novel and that's it. I thought the way they chose to interpret the characters on screen was very good overall and found this quite enjoyable. Any fan of the novel should find something to like about it but it isn't perfect by any means, probably because it's impossible.
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