The fast food version of GoT
23 August 2022
I did not particularly enjoy watching this. I feel it takes some of the worst aspects of the original series and shoves them at the audience. Needles graphic castration, check. Gross out shots, check. Prop dragons, check. Unnecessary and overly gratuitous sex scenes, check and check.

The cast is much smaller this time around and many of the scenes are the lesser for it. I feel like there should be more people at court. If you study our own history you see that pre-modern royals had A LOT of kids. Six to ten children are not uncommon for medieval English or French kings and that's just the ones that lived. Think about it, no birth control. These people are married at 14. Having one child for a king is unusual. Take all of Ned Stark's kids. Then when you consider all the men at court would have their large families with them, I'm just saying there should be a lot more people in these scenes. It feels like the production is a bit cheaper on this one. Maybe they spent too much on the dragons to be able to hire more actors.

As for the the actual characters on this one, I just don't find them interesting. They're all royals, all British. I personally don't find shows about aristocracy compelling. This is essentially a royal soap-opera fantasy. It's not helped by the fact that they all have this ridiculous white hair. I don't think the graphics are very good on white haired royalty lording it over the commens.
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