I'll review the episode only
23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would I watch one episode of a series and rate the series, not the episode? People you know there are options right?

So this was... well, what was The Heirs of the Dragon? It was certainly something. It was not great, those giving it 10/10 are divided between those who just realllllly love this world and want so much to give it a 10/10, or those deluding themselves into thinking it is anywhere close to the heights of GoT at its best. Or even worst? While of course we all give our own difference of opinion, did you see how many reviews went onto fanboy over this as if it were some greased up Chris Hemsworth asking for a selfie? Or some Game of Thrones nudity scene they'd asked to reenact with Emilia Clarke? Pfffft. Calm down people. It was one episode, we have barely seen a tenth of what is to come. You're acting like we just saw Battle of the Bast*rds part 2. This was not that. I definitely don't agree with those trying to bring down the rating either though. Whether for the sake of it cuz they just like to snivel and wipe their nose and see its score be brought down and point at their screen and ghoulishly shout, "Ha, ha, I did that! Look mommy, I did that!" But to those genuinely loving this already, I'm happy for you. To those genuinely finding problems and being honest with this episode and they do not like it, I feel for you. Here's hoping by its end, the tenth episode, we'll have had something that we can look back and actually say, "That was good. That was really good."

Me? I'm somewhere in the middle. While I like the set pieces and designs, some cool camera shots, the atmosphere, the costumes and overall look of the show, I also like a few of the actors as I go into viewing. Matt Smith was never my favourite Doctor Who but he had his moments, for sure not the worst doctor. And I've been familiar with his works now, since Doctor Who for years, making that 12 as of this year. And I always liked Rhys Ifans. The cinematography has been mostly good looking as well. And for what it's worth, they didn't hold back on the gruesome carnage and death scenes, oh no. Was this wise? I guess they're aiming to bring in the old audiences and it is an old GoT standout, is it not. Ridiculous bloody killings and overuse of the word "cun*". It is like it never left us, is it not? Well, you be the judge of that. I didn't like some of the acting, maybe even their acting cast/choices, namely the new lead character princess, Rhaenyra. At angles, she makes you reminisce to Emilia Clarke's lead as Daenerys. There were oftentimes a bit too much in terms of airy, and colourful looking, shots. The dragons? Well I am definitely unconvinced seeing Daemon's. Also Daemon gives me serious Ramsay Bolton vibes. I was thinking Joffrey at the start, but no, definitely Ramsay. His character banished, well, uh, being sent away is gonna be a major conflict and will obviously stir up something plot wise. And some convoluted one at that. That was awful looking. The story is what gets me most. The writing. Again we are merely an episode in, so I give it the benefit of the doubt. But what's.. the point here? Why should I care? Why should I be invested? Especially after watching all of GoT and reading what I have, from everything I know. I- more importantly, WE all know the way this plays out. It's just a matter of seeing it unfold on big-screen? Which is fine, however the premise isn't doing much for me.

It might be one episode, sure. But in that, you're supposed to be given reasons to come back for more, to bring you in. GoT had this, with the end alone of Brann being shoved from the tower. This is because he sees something important, and we have just witnessed a seemingly very important character possibly killed already, and we don't know why? Well, we do but we really don't. And of course, the beginning with the White Walkers. What are they? Who? Why are they there? So a beginning, an end, and throughout enough to engage, evoke and keep the viewer interested while connecting the dots slowly in that one hour, which, I got to add, on its cheaper budget then, looked better than this one, now. Is that enough? There was also a more intriguing, like, basis/episode-based story, at least to me, given Jon Arryn had just been killed and it starts while Robert is king, so hand of king having been killed, Robert traveling to Ned and the Starks being brought into it with the Lannisters, the letter written to Catelyn, the dire wolf pups and how they came to be with the Starks, and finally across the sea we have introduction to Daenerys - so this all playing out was interesting, and they definitely did the whole tournament thing better when it comes to that too, unlike this episode where I just felt they did it for... whatever.

The pros: most of its camera work, cinematography, atmosphere, set pieces, acting is more good than bad but isn't a major pro for me

Cons: music isn't really a con, but it's pretty much copy pasted. It's the same. The lighting at times too bright, and then effects weren't amazing. The characters are meh. The writing and ideas until they get better, if they do, definitely remain here as well.

Really hope they improve. I guess what keeps me coming back in the meantime are the pros I've listed.
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