The best presented evidence available in visual form that thoroughly dismantles the official 9/11 version of events
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've often wondered whether the people who're dismissive of 9/11 conspiracy theories (aside from the professional 'debunkers'), if they've even bothered to examine all the meticulously detailed and well-researched information that exists on this subject outside of officially approved sources, and how it is these ridiculers can possibly regard themselves as well-informed and authorities on this subject when they cling onto their close-minded and pre-conceived biases at all costs. Far from being tinfoil hatters, quite to the contrary, many a critic of the official version of 9/11 happen to be highly educated, level-headed people. Among this camp include architects, engineers, lawyers, pilots, journalists, among other professionals. Crackpots? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

As one who has seen several documentaries debunking the official 9/11 narrative, I can state with certainty that this one is by far the best among them.

SEPTEMBER 11: THE NEW PEARL HARBOR is a documentary that contains many thought-provoking questions, for the intellectual benefit of all save, among others, 'debunkers', who for the most part are lacking in critical thinking skills and whose job it is is not to think. Indeed, why is it that when most 'debunkers' are heard defending the official line (as they are here), that they always sound a little nervous and not fully convinced of their own arguments, or sound like they're concealing information as quite possibly hired gatekeepers out protecting their masters/handlers?

Yes, there's a shot of a professional 'debunker' in this, the smug Michael Shermer, as well as others, seemingly included strictly for some comic relief. But we also get to hear from more credible and honest sources: air-traffic controllers, airline pilots, a South Tower survivor, and even a CIA whistleblower. Additionally, there are numerous brief clip-appearances from other respected sources, such as David Ray Griffin, Paul Hellyer, and Webster Griffin Tarpley.

There are so many inconsistencies and discrepancies with the official 9/11 story, with this doc pretty much covering them all, breaking each one apart until there is nothing left of them. This here is quite the deconstruction, to say the least, literally a frame-by-frame analysis at times. Suffice to say, it's not for a casual viewing audience, but intended for serious, studious minds. That being the case, it's unavoidably longwinded, that I had to watch it in intervals. If you go into it aware of this being akin to an advanced educational course, and not just something to pass away the time, how anyone could come away from it feeling the least bit disappointed is beyond me. SEPTEMBER 11: THE NEW PEARL HARBOR is in-depth, comprehensive, and I would hope not just for nerdy types to appreciate.

Although certain segments do feel draggy (as with the entire analysis of what happened to the Pentagon building), others are quite intriguing. Did I hear it correctly, "It's a frame"? Those three words in the context that they are spoken are chilling. We hear them whispered during an audio clip taken from an alleged phone-call a 9/11 passenger is said to have made to a relative. (As I listened to this snippet of audio, it reminded me of a phenomenon of what in paranormal circles is called EVP, short for electronic voice phenomenon. As a further aside, although I am highly dubious of 'reverse speech technology,' it would still be interesting to see if any telling messages could be gleaned were these audio recordings of the 9/11 phone-calls played backwards.) Whatever the case, if what is described in the film as 'Operations Northwoods' actually occurred, my next question would be, whatever became of the 9/11 passengers? Unfortunately, the doc fails to address/speculate on this glaring curiosity. Did Barbara Olson, for example, survive and might she still be alive? It's an intriguing thought.

Consider if no such thing as air piracy ever happened. The documentary makes a strong case for this and it's certainly no more outlandish a theory as the official narrative. Were there hijackers involved in 9/11 and were the planes that hit the Twin Towers commercial airliners, or military aircraft? Questions, questions, and more questions. Heck, outside of this film, I've even heard it said that yes, hijackers were involved, but that they parachuted from the planes only miles from impact, departing these craft after leaving autopilot programming in charge to finish the missions, but for me the question then has to be asked where they ever learned to operate a parachute, especially when I'm guessing a number of them probably couldn't even fly a kite.

That last remark, a little joke, but definitely not as amusing as the official 9/11 version of events and some of Dubya's outtakes and verbal blunders. Re: Dubya. Why, when shown in video clips of him reciting from scripted speeches, did he always seem to appear like he was partly smirking or on the verge of breaking out into a hearty chuckle? The guy always struck me as two-faced and when in front of the camera speaking to the nation, to me he gave off the impression as if he was always doing his best to keep a straight face while fully aware of his spouting hooey.

Soon after 9/11, many Americans were able to see through the events of what later transpired for what they actually were, wondering to themselves why the Bush administration had targeted Iran and Afghanistan for invasion, and reaching the conclusion that this was probably carried out with the intent of gaining control over the region's primary resource. Yet, as documentaries like this one leave any unbiased viewer questioning, there certainly appears to have been a much deeper level to all this.

As my own research into 9/11 has indicated to me, although the late Philip Marshall's investigation was accurate on one level (in its detailing of the Bush-Saudi connection), as one delves further into this area of study, one quickly begins to realize that there must have been even deeper layers of intrigue other and beyond a Deep State involvement. I've read several books by various 9/11 researchers, and of them the one I'd recommend most to anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding and broader picture, is a book by Joseph Farrell: "Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery." In my opinion, it best explains this hypothesis of there having must of been a third and ultimately controlling conspiratorial party involved (fascists of some Fourth Reich, perhaps?).

Incidentally, Marshall died under mysterious circumstances (reminiscent of patriot William 'Bill' Cooper's suspicious demise only months following 9/11 and his rather vocal criticisms of the official story). There are those who are of the belief that Marshall had been 'taken out' on account of getting too close to uncovering the truth. (May he rest peacefully, alongside JFK.)
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