Review of Winnebago Man

Winnebago Man (2009)
To seek out a viral celebrity
6 September 2022
Jack Rebney became an early unwitting YouTube sensation when a 1989 tape of outtakes from an RV Promotional film starring him were leaked on the site. Rebney's angry curse-strewn outbursts delighted millions who mocked his misery.

Director Ben Steinbauer decided to track him down. He had seemingly disappeared. The Winnebago company completely disassociated itself from Rebney. The small crew who shot the 80s video remembered the shoot well, but had no idea where he had gone. Finally, a P. I. gave Steinbauer a clue that lead to a meeting. Rebney had retreated to a remote mountain in northern California and lived alone.

About half an hour in, and the Documentary seemed complete. It lays out the backstory. Rebney is found alive and doing well enough. The end? Instead, Steinbauer inserts himself into his subject's life. Poking. Prodding. Asking him to go public. Address his "fans." It can be a fine line between journalism and intrusion.

After MUCH toing and froing, Steinbauer stages a happy ending of sorts. He convinces Rebney to travel down to San Francisco and attend a screening of his Winnebago Man outtakes for a gathering of his superfans at the Found Footage Film Festival. To be fair, Rebney seems happy to be out in public and meet his 'public'. A hermit getting a day out.

Early in the Doc, a pair of other superfans are interviewed. They tell Steinbauer that there is no reason to trace where Rebney has gone to. Why? They ask. Who wants to see the Wizard behind the curtain? As bemused as Rebney seems to be at the end, one has to wonder whether he would have been just a pleased - if not more so - if he had just been left alone.
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