Like a friend you make on holiday
8 September 2022
The quality of films from 1931 was variable to say the least but if William Wellman's name was on the credits you could be assured of getting slick, professional and expertly made entertainment.

This is no exception although it's not exceptional.

Although Douglas Fairbanks Jr is definitely Clarke Gable if your studio can't afford the real Clarke Gable, he's fabulous in this. He's like someone you meet on holiday and think you've known since school. How he manages to do this is something only a few actors can do. His character is not unlike the role he played a year later in (the much better) 'Union Depot' but a bit more cynical. The rest of the cast too are all exceptional as well - everyone one of them. It's brilliantly put together, it's got excitement, plays with your emotions with menace, excitement and hope and you will enjoy watching this ...but somehow 24 hours later, like that bloke you met on holiday, you'll have forgotten it as though you were at the bathtub brew, had a great time somewhere but can't quite remember.

Maybe because it's so well made (not just for 1931) you don't notice how lightweight the story actually is. Maybe because you'll forget that you've seen it is a good excuse to watch it again - it's worth it.
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