Cobra Kai: Long, Long Way from Home (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
Already knocking it out of the park
9 September 2022
No spoilers - but the show picks up right where the other one left off, though, there does seem to be a LITTLE bit of a time-warp.

As in, I just realized that there's perhaps at least a month or even 3, from what happened with the Cobra Kai dojo (it's in the commercials advertising for this season) and what happens with Johnny as he chases after Miquel.

Anyway, considering I didn't notice that until after the episode was over, just shows how good it is.

It's the same old Johnny, with his throwbacks to 80s sentimentality (thank God!) yet, he's not completely the neanderthal he was. I mean, at least he uses a cell phone.

The plot still has some surprises, which, I gotta say, is really amazing that they've been able to do that through five seasons - it's what keeps this show fresh. Perfectly understandable and believable twists, that don't leave you feeling like the writers/directors are trying to pull a fast one on ya, "Gotcha!" - rather, you're left nodding, and thinking that it makes sense.

Can't wait for the next episode, and it's so refreshing to see a modern series, (there are so few - another one is Stranger Things) that can keep things new and interesting, without having to drop to cliches or unbelievable plot-holes or gimmicks to keep you glued to the screen.

And this isn't just fan service, in bringing back people from before - however, fact is, there's nothing wrong with fan service when it serves the plot, and also brings in new fans as well.

Great, great entertainment!
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