Review of Georgia Rule

Georgia Rule (2007)
Under rated
13 September 2022
I already forget when and how I saw this movie. (I think maybe on Netflix) I chose to watch this when I saw Jane Fonda was in it. Also Felicity Huffman. And I was glad I did. From the start to the end, I wanted to keep on watching. Jane was superb, as always. And the casting was good. They all resembled each other - from Fonda to Lohan. The dynamics of their relationship - from grandmother to granddaughter is interesting to watch though familiar - the daughter's (Lohan) relationship with her mother (Huffman) is thorny. So is Felicity's relationship with her mother (Fonda). Not to mention the issue of sexual abuse. (I think this is why Jane did this movie. This subject is close to her heart - her mother was a victim. She wrote this in one of her books.) So when the movie ends, it's satisfying to see that they may have come to an understanding of their mothers as well as themselves. I don't know why the critics savaged this movie. It's a good one. Though I must say that Lohan didn't have to do much acting :) She just had to be herself. And maybe that is why she was cast here.
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