Wth is going on?
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am only on ep 6 so hopefully I will revise this later. I just looked and their are quite a few episodes however please let me explain. Also this contains spoilers so read no further if you don't want info up to ep 6.

What the heck is going on? Have the writers lost their mind? Ok first let me say for the first few episodes it seems the main cast only owns 2 pair of clothing. The male one red suit and black shirt and well just the black shirt lol. The female wears the same outfit on back to back days yet it is confusing and it is another day and another day yet she is still in the same outfit. Could they not afford clothing for the cast?? Its so bizarre, I have never seen anything like it. No wonder they put him in the hospital so long at least their he was wearing the same medical pj's. Gross but ok.

Before I go on btw I will state the cast is amazing. It is the writing and clothing that is a huge mess. A lot of things are going on and they do not explain so your left wondering wtf?

Like when he leaves the hospital he has the taxi drive him for hours and hours to nowhere. Why? How inconsiderate since he wasn't paying the bill. But why doesn't he go home? The viewer has no idea. Then to add an even bigger wtf? He states he wants to go to his female staff members house to eat then claims, no he demands to live there! I mean lets live in the real world, who does that?!! Its beyond rude not to mention it shows a seriously lack of care for the females space, privacy and security that a man can just come in and demand he live there and its ok?!!

Are we still on planet earth? Who wrote this absolute garbage of a story line? I really like the actors so I will try for a few more episodes but geez people, have we not moved on from cave man days?? So far the writing his horrendous, Costume (clothing) is ridiculous though I will say the model seems to have plenty of clothes just no one else. I rated it 3 stars because of the acting. Otherwise it would be a flat Zero.

I'm so shocked. You normally don't have this many "goofs" in just 6 episodes but wow, I'm stunned. I have watched some amazing writing in kdramas. Stuff that makes me say WOW let me rewind and hear that again and again. Words flow like poetry, justice for all that make you want to stand up and shout YES!!! :) However so far this writing stinks. In this day and age you want to encourage everyone's right to privacy, personal space etc. This writing so far throws all our progress out the window and into the garbage heap.

Ok after further reflection I have changed it to 1 star (again for the actors great job) but I cannot continue this show. It goes against everything this world is fighting to grow from. I do not recommend this garbage of writing for anyone. Unless your a cave man stuck back in the day where men do what they want to any one and get away with it. Where no one had privacy nor did anyone's rights matter at all.

Revision: I had to take a few days off but decided to watch it further in hopes it got better. The clothing issue was horrendous through out lol. It was as if they shot scenes back to back yet forgot to line up the clothing. One actor would be wearing something then ten seconds later switch and even later back to the first outfit. Truly shows someone dropped the ball on that. It was terrible lol. I did not like the writing in the beginning and I have already stated why. Later towards the end the writing is better. Yet I must state it was the actors that had me coming back. Each one was so exceptional in their performance I couldn't look away. So besides all the other issues my total 7 score (prev a 1) was solely for the actors. I believed what they went through so outstanding were their skills. It is the only reason I gave it anything above a 1. Great job.
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