Review of Expiation

Inspector Lewis: Expiation (2007)
Season 1, Episode 3
Contrived and clumsy but okay
9 October 2022
An incredibly postive woman with a seemingly perfect family and life commits suicide. However, things don't appear so cut and dried to Lewis and Hathaway and they dig deeper.

Not a great episode of Lewis. It started well enough but the further into the episode you go the more contrived and implausible it becomes.

It also feels quite clumsy, like the writer didn't really have the whole thing mapped out beforehand and was just winging it as far as the plot went.

Adding to this clumsiness we have Lewis demonstrating a Morse-like trait of dating someone who could easily be the murderer. That hardly ever worked out well for Morse...

To top it all, the writer felt it was time for Lewis's boss to be hardnosed so we have her chewing out Lewis and Hathaway for arbitrary things, including how they solved the crime!

Overall it's okay but nothing more than that.
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