Review of Guilt

The Rockford Files: Guilt (1979)
Season 5, Episode 14
For Me The Star of This Ep is Elisabeth Brooks!
18 October 2022 I looked a her IMDB profile and saw that she sadly died of "brain cancer" at 46. And that she and Kristy McNichol "separated" but that Kristy came to Ms. Brooks "at the end". So there's a nice mental picture for me at least, as Kristy was my first crush when I was not even sure what attraction was! And Ms. Brooks is the very definition of hotness. When she's on the pay phone... Wow. AND she is an excellent actress unlike a lot of these TV actors. Last tidbit about her, she was the very naked star of "The Howling"; turn your 'safe search' off and you can see a lot more of her than in the Rockford Files!

Back to the show, there was a pretty good "practical effect" helicopter chase, and boy did they get the passive aggressive / "damsel in distress" ex-girlfriend right! Really "real" writing here. Nothing that would have been acceptable to the modern namby pambies.
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