10 November 2022
Important and a lesson to be learned documentary on the judicial and civil rights of womanhood.

A man shot cause hes being a threat to the homeowner, a woman in this case, is usually coverd by an alabaman law that says you have the right ''to stand your ground''...no matter the crime, the juudge of this case overulled selfdefence in this case due to inconsistencies in a 911 call, police cam dialouges and interviews done at the station, merely things happening in the heat of the moment...

here in norway were not taking to a gun or knife to protect our grounds, usually it ends in a fight on the knucles, but selfdefence killings have occured every 2-3 years. So ''having the lawfull right'' to... well it sounds absurd because here in norway we have a lawset common right to trespass as long as its done in a sensible way and has a reason. Also the equality of genders have come farther than in the southern states of usa...so there is some primitiveness over the fact that such a law exists at all in my mind...

but thats just a grumpy old mans mind, that doesnt matter at all. I consider this as a pilot project for a netflix series, its quite amazing really...
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