Much better than what it was remaking
13 November 2022
It's a much better film than the one it was remaking, although perhaps too streamlined. The core trio of Lana Turner, Joan Blondell, and George Murphy was a definite improvement over Bessie Love and whoever the other two actors were. I don't quite know what LIFE Magazine meant by calling Turner a "glamour-plus girl," but it was clear, even in her feature film debut, that she had more going for her than looks. George Murphy was fine. The emotional core of the story, though, is Joan Blondell and she showed quite a bit of depth in what could have been a thankless supporting role. By this point in her career, she was beginning to settle into more matronly parts, but it really seemed like she gave it her all. Overall, I found this to be quite good, although a little more music wouldn't have hurt.
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