20 November 2022
There is something about Hopkins that captivates even when he does not seem to strive for complexity, or perhaps that is the very thing that draws us in.

Thank goodness he never became a "star." Big, big fan of Hopkins, just as he is.

And as the biopic notes, Magic is a much underrated film.

.....the IMDB says that I must write more....more there will be, then.

I was also glad that this was not a fall from grace/redemption picture. While alcoholism is not given short shrift, it is not center stage, either.

I would have liked a deeper explication of the characters he played. Not just Dr. Lecter, but others. Some are touched on, but not enough to satisfy my curiosity. Nixon! Dracula! Doctor to the Elephant Man! So many lives lived by one man, more would have been great.
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