The murdered primadonna leaving only ruined lives behind her
25 November 2022
This is a rather ordinary murder rant with a mysterious anonymous murder which anyone could have committed, because she asked for it, making every man around her an enemy and practically putting a gun in her murderer's hand. It's like a conventional Agatha Christie thriller without any good acting, because there was no need for any, as it is all quite formal. There is no love, no real passion, just egoism and hurt feelings with deep urges for revenge, so the strongest feelings here is someone wanting to drop her in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and for someone else to be cutting his throat for her with a dull knife. Not even Hitchcock would have been able to make something terrific out of this humdrum drama. Some may enjoy the acting of Marie Windsor as the young elegant dinosaur making everyone furious, but even she is rather routine and commonplace as a mean cliché type of a mean woman. She is only 29, so she should at least have been more beautiful. This is the kind of thrillers that leave a rather sordid aftertaste, while the only interesting actor here is Patric Knowles, as her business associate. And the only sympathetic person is actually the murderer.
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