I like this, but it's horrible in many ways
25 November 2022
I like the look, it's obvious they put a lot of energy and time into this, the visuals are stunning and amazing, Chloe is a goddess, the other actors are turning in fantastic performances, but the story lags. It lags.

The characters are not flashed out at all. Everyone in the future seems is just an outfit and a hairstyle, and it's pretty much all of the snotty people from the Hunger Games redux.

The motivations for everyone's behavior remain obscure no matter how long you watch. Even when you fully understand the explanation that the show gives you for why people are doing what they're doing, it doesn't make sense. Enormous amounts of energy are being wasted for nothing by all of the futuristic characters.

The rural Southern characters are caricatures and one dimensional.

I would suggest that if people are going to work with William Gibson in the future, y'all might want to remember that he writes novels and not screenplays. His texts are interesting because he spends tons of time obsessing over details of physical objects, like a tweaker, but when you translate this to action on the screen, it's very empty. Just get someone to work with him on the screenplay and try to identify what the dramatic moments are and also try to create some kind of framework in which all of these things make sense.

I recommend this, and I like it, and at times I love it, but I shake my head and roll my eyes every single episode.
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