Dead to Me: We're Gonna Beat This Thing (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Disappointing episode
27 November 2022
This is the first one I really really really didn't enjoy. Most of it is getting high, promoting drugs and getting high, and inviting a teenage to help himself to Judy's edible pot goodies and getting high. Really? The writers couldn't find anything interesting that forwards the story line and delivers a few plot twists? Nothing at all? Then there is Judy's "alternate" excessive love life just killing time--my time I'll never get back. All the while, Jenn is bedding Ben in her house with kids present also just killing time. All so sleazy and not necessary. We call this "filler" like when there is something called "food" but mostly it's just non-nutritious filler. Like that. Nothing is redeeming about this episode, not even the 3 second "discovery" by the black officer--like we couldn't see that from a mile away. This show better pick up and deliver like it used to. PS We know exactly how this show will end because every one of these shows/movies with dying lead actors end this one way. So boooooorrrrrrring.
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