Review of The Shaft

The Shaft (2001)
Stingers For Dummies
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The bulk of the comments on this one can be carried by those before me.

(Unrelated question: ever notice how most reviews roll out the plot as if we didn't just see it? Or maybe that's just me as I tend to get into the comments AFTER a movie to see if I agree. Usually do but a curious thing how so many people rehash the entire plot. Perhaps something to do with this stupid 600 character limit. Yo, IMDB. Sometimes brevity is the most powerful. Now that I met the limit...)

The whole terrorism angle at the end was ridiculous. What gave them THAT idea? Excuse for a little spectacle, I guess. However the whole stinger missile scene was laughable. Stingers pack about a pound of high explosive in a titanium sheath designed to penetrate aircraft.

Targeting range of up to 15,000 feet. Add in the propellent, the ejector launch and rocket itself, firing off a Stinger in an enclosed shaft at a target about four feet away would have vaporized the dude and anyone near the open door.
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