Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
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4 December 2022
As of now, Mr. Robot stands as my favorite TV series. It is masterful in every aspect. Pretty much every episode is written and directed by the creator, Sam Esmail. His collaboration with cinematographer Tod Campbell is nothing short of beautiful. This series has many themes at play. Society, loneliness, but in particular how the main protagonist Elliot Alderson copes with these things. By confronting the depths of his fractured psychology. The most common complaint with this series is that the second season is bad. While I wouldn't say it's bad, it's much slower compared to the other seasons. But it's still great. The final season is incredible, it contains brilliant references to films and probably my favorite ending of any TV series. The acting is phenomenal. Rami Malek portrays Elliot to perfection, I couldn't imagine anyone else playing him. Same goes for Christian Slater. The rest of the cast is terrific as well. Especially B. D. Wong. Though this series is critically acclaimed, I believe that the primary reason that's it's not as famous as some other shows is because it aired on USA. To anyone who hasn't watched Mr. Robot, binge it as soon as you can. It's on Amazon for free.
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