Emily (2022)
emily bronte as DH lawrence
6 December 2022
Frances is a decent actress ..and technically she is semi decent director so far..but as a creator of art..she is far from it we had many of those ( reimagining of famous authors lives ) in which these authors were seen through their works and made part of it.. the results were absurd always from ( shakespeare in love ) to ( becoming jane )..till this one.. these fictional works suggest a writer can not write anything not autobiographical ..that there is no such thing as imagination ! Or simply these authors lives were so boring unless we spice it up by a spicy love affair...that has no source in real life actually the handsome curate in question has never been linked to this bronte AT ALL in any source.. rather it was the other tow who were allegedly connected to him ( as he was alleged to have been interested in anne in a platonic sort of way ) but alas .. all of this is so boring for todays public and creators.. so we make emily bronte something of a DH lawrence INSTEAD I cant wait for tolstoy biography inspired by anna karenina ..next.
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