The Twilight Zone: No Time Like the Past (1963)
Season 4, Episode 10
A lesson for everyone, the past is unchangeable already is history!!!
18 December 2022
That's public knowledge that mess in the past may bring drastic consequences to the future as displayed in several pictures and the scientific community broadly speaking in Twilight Zone Rod Serling bring up the issue as dramatic form.

A pacifist scientist Paul Driscoll (Dana Andrews) comes up with a Time Machine, due he no longer agreed with the human madness concerning the dangerous routes that making are walking on toward to nuclear apocalypse, the he is aided by a friend that operates his back at the pastime, arriving firstly at Hiroshima prior the city be bomb in doomsday, sadly he didn't convince the Japanese Officer to evacuate the town, then he tries kill Hitler during his speech at Berlin, another fails, so he ends up on board of the Lusitania in hope to Captain changes the course a lit bit, otherwise the vessel will sink and bringing together the America into the war, nothing changes.

Back on the present perceiving that all efforts weren't successful, thus he plans on live in peaceful town in 1881 at Indiana state, somewhat he thought be an easy life became a hideous nightmare, a must-see episode, had a little mistake noteworthy by the less warned, as soon he leaves Hiroshima the Bomb explodes, then even with the agreement of the Japanese Officer to evacuate Hiroshima any living soul will be save.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2022 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.75.
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