Better than I thought it would be.
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have been in a horror movie rut for the past few months with watching one low budget flop after the next. When this movie began with the two cops talking About the "victim" while not even standing a foot from her, like she wasn't even there, I thought I stumbled upon another terrible movie but it turned around and I ended up being pleasantly surprised and shockingly caught off guard with the surprise ending, which hasn't happened to me in a Very long time.

I'll start off with the faults. The biggest by Far being the writing. The script was all over the place and conversations were not believable in the slightest. This group of friends had zero chemistry and for supposed long time friends and even 2 sisters, it seemed like they Just met...And no one Liked anyone!! The characters were completely one dimensional with the "frat boy" Chet who only cares about partying and getting laid, the "bad boy" who is deep in debt, drug addicted, creepy and can't go two minutes without lighting up a smoke, the "good guy" who appears to be in charge at first but I guessed within minutes was really an asshole...I know he turned out Not to be the killer but his character was obvious from the beginning, the "jealous sister", the "ditzy blond" and rounding out the cast, the "oblivious good girl" who predictably couldn't figure anything out. Let's not forget the "creepy guy" caretaker dude who's only purpose was to distract really dumb people from the true killer.

I Loathe movies where secrets are kept for no good reason and this one was full of them. The dialogue was ridiculous and not believable in any way so that annoyed me throughout.

Another fault was this was a horror/slasher film where most of the "killing" took place off screen which was a huge let down. I could pick apart the set or what they thought looked good enough to be blood but I'm not gonna go there.

Now to what I liked. The acting was good. Surprisingly good considering the lines they had to work with! The cast Looked like they could be friends in real life (until they spoke). There were jump scares that got me, even when I knew they were coming. The camera work over all was very good except in some cut away "death" scenes, and the music and sound effects weren't bad either.

The Best part of the movie was the first surprise ending. When the good girl came out in her wedding gown (which I was shaking my head at WHY she changed into that) and ditzy girl came out of the woods I thought that good guy was gonna have to miraculously rise from the dead somehow to kill ditzy to make the beginning work...so I was Actually shocked when ditzy turned out to be the killer after all. My mind did race at the probability of this happening and I found myself itching to re watch Immediately to see if it was possible, and That makes it a Good surprise in my books. The Second surprise ending with ditzy coming back to life, killing good girl, getting dressed in her wedding gown, and then killing the cop, should have been left on the cutting room floor. Not needed, not wanted and put a Ton of new questions in my head.

Overall, it was a decent watch. If much more time was spent on the writing it would have rated a lot higher for me.
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