Galaxy Quest (1999)
Funny, sometimes touching, but not amazing
2 January 2023
I suppose it's ironic that this is about the 3rd highest rated Star Trek movie if you count it as one. That's the real measure of parody - if you can make fun of a genre while outdoing it yourself. That requires the movie to be good but also to understand the genre well and respect it while lampooning it.

Galaxy Quest isn't amazing, but I did enjoy it upon revisiting it recently. Now I've seen a fair amount of Star Trek, but I think it hardly matters. The formula is so familiar, even to people who have never seen the show. Because it's not just about space, it's all the cliches from every sci-fi, action, adventure movie or TV show. Star Trek just has phasers and a few key catchphrases.

This movie is surprisingly touching at times. That's what happens when the actors and director treat the material seriously. It's funnier if it actually feels real. And while it's not a top-tier, life-changing movie, it's as good as the space operas it's making fun of, in terms of music, acting, special effects, dialogue, etc.

Some of the CGI is quite dated, but that's true of most 90s movies. Some of the jokes are a bit predictable too. But overall, the journey is quite enjoyable and the cast is strong. Allen, Weaver and Rickman are all very funny and likeable while the others are less well known but also good. The aliens are likeable too, very innocent and earnest. Sam Rockwell steals a lot of his scenes with some of the best moments.

Perhaps the main issue with Galaxy Quest is that it ironically falls into the same traps as the movies it's mocking or paying homage to. It becomes a bit cliched. It relies on the same tactics which are overused in sci-fi action movies. At least it has jokes along the way, but it's missing it's own energy. At a certain point, if you're gonna do the Star Trek thing, you may as well do it well.

Anyway, it's good but not great. A must watch for Trekkies of course, but they've probably already seen it multiple times. A few key scenes are hilarious or heartfelt, but most of this is relatively frivolous and slightly dated, like the source material it draws from.
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