Roswell (1994 TV Movie)
Elgin Arizona
5 January 2023
Was on a motorcycle south of Tucson once, near a winery in Elgin when I happened upon a film crew filming a biplane circling overhead. I had to pause because they told me "There's a UFO chasing the plane." I asked who the star was, and was told it was Martin Sheen. "Where is he?" I asked, "in the biplane?" The answer was "no, he's in that trailer up ahead." I didn't wait, but turned back because I was running out of gas, and no gas stations in the area. Plus who knew how long the takes would take?

I have also visited the Roswell museum in NM. There is an alien autopsy room there which my sister took a photo of with me in the photo. This was in 2018. She died in 2019, related to cancer. There are also photographs of the site and newspaper clippings and a mock-up of the UFO with aliens. The museum doesn't take sides. They want both believers and non-believers. I'm a non. The evidence is flimsy. Shredded, flimsy weather balloon secreted away by the Air Force. Thoughts on this, credited with starting the UFO craze?
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