Another eccentric Kung Fu freakout from the estimable, Godfrey Ho!
12 January 2023
Much, if not all, of the outlandish entertainment found within a frequently nonlinear, creatively kooky, Joseph Lai/Godfrey Ho fight flick is the distinctly high probability of marvelling at mayhemic, multitudinously madcap, martial arts sequences, stridently silly slapstick comedy, glaringly absurd dialogue, predictable Sifu slaughter, bemusingly eccentric music cues, melodramatic slo-mo clinches with ingenuous, teary-eyed pig-tailed ingenues, grim-voiced, gravity-defying Ninjas, and in this especially uproarious instance, Godfrey Ho spoils us Kung Fools rotten with the additionally insane incongruity of a delightfully bizarre interlude, wherein a wholly inept 'fake' hopping vampire mysteriously accosts 'Drunken Kid' (Johnny Chan) for motives obscure??!! Aye! 'Less' is clearly a bore in, Cut N' Paste champion, Godfrey Ho's hyperbolic ouvre!

The somewhat maverick use of an off-camera training montage adds additional singularity to, Godfrey Ho's playful, dizzyingly episodic Kung Fu chaos! Granted, Johnny Chan's ceaseless mugging as the buffoonish, Jackie Chan-lite 'Drunken Kid' becomes tiresome; whereas, Eagle-Han ying's dynamic, steely sinewy performance as the stern, white-clad bounty hunter proved impressive, and I sincerely hope to see the slick-looking 'Blood Ninja Gangsters' again, as they were pretty dope! While many of the fights lacked finesse, the pronounced weirdness quotient abounding within 'Revenge of The Drunken Master' proved deliciously distracting! The climactic showdown is beautifully bonkers, and the inventive usage of razor-edged cymbals as a Flying Guillotine-type weapon was a fabulously goofy conceit, and, yet, I'm still not entirely sure how to interpret the palpably odd belly Button mysticism bit, but, hey, it certainly gave me something new to think about!
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