M. Night Shyamalan has gone off the deep end........Again
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you want me to keep this short and simple like should I go see this film then see the three choices below about THE HAPPENING, if you've seen that film....

Did you like or love THE HAPPENING, by all means see this film.

Did you think THE HAPPENING was just OK, think it over. See what your friends or family members say, perhaps.

Did you dislike and hate THE HAPPENING, by all means......do not....do not.... I repeat please, pretty please, pretty please with a sugared cherry and sprinkles on top....do not see this film....and if you do and still not like it, don't come crying to me or disliking this review.

I was wary on this film when I saw it was rated R, thinking we all know what happened (very good pun whether intended or not) last time back in 2008 when he made his previous but first film R-rated. And for the most part, imho this is fairly much a carbon copy of THE HAPPENING. This time there is more language involved (although it does come in spurts for the most part), which just kind of really just totally baffles me, because in the 30 years M Night has been making movies, the language has always been tame. In fact, only a very few of his films had f-words.

What's more unimpressive is that the trailer does indeed pretty much give away the ending.

What I really disliked about this film is all the flashbacks they give; almost like in the 25th Hour. Most of them I agree were necessary, but a few weren't necessary like them arriving at the cabin. Why didn't M Night Shyamalan start the film off with them arriving at the cabin? Instead they show that in a flashback.

Moving onto the the fact that the two guys are (eh-eh-eh), isn't that explicit in the film. In fact, There's no sex at all in this film.

Moving onto the main plot... Four strangers come and hold the family of three hostage saying they must sacrifice one of them....and one of them can't do so by taking their own life.....one has to kill another. When the family of three refuses, the leader says that for every no they say more and more people will die each time. Thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and then millions and even much more (we see a tidal wave killing thousands on a beach at first but then later there's a deadly virus out in three major countries killing people, and there's also hundreds of planes crashing). They have until sundown tomorrow, and at each part of the day (1st evening, next morning, next afternoon, next evening) each of the four either kills their own mate or one of them takes their own life.


Grint is killed by his mates, the black shirt lady I forget.... I think she takes her own life, the yellow shirt lady is pretty much mortally wounded to the point where wrestling guy finishes her off, and wrestling guy takes his own life. Yeah.....almost sort of like THE HAPPENING......in a different fashion.


And like another user on here pointed out.....there's no twist. At least none that I saw. I mean even THE HAPPENING had some theory why that stuff was happening....but here we get no theory.

So why give this even 5 out of 10 stars....it was still kind of suspenseful. But I really don't understand what possessed M Night Shyamalan to make this an R-rated film with the profanity in it (which he never did before in his films over the last 30 years (although I hear the tv series Servant has lots of profanity in it too, which is like a HBO show, but even that only started recently) and the film really didn't make much sense.

But yes, yes, yes, yes........we know the rule......we have to see M Night Shyamalan's film twice to fully get it.....but I'll wait until this comes out on video for rewatch. Maybe I'll get it May 19th or there about some time when they release it on video. Don't ask why I chose that date at random.....it's a long story.

Ok......I waived the previews.....not that really matters.

Easter eggs at the end of the end credits......

Ok, the end credits are a little cool. Lots of little things (virus pores and lightning bolts) come up and for a few seconds the end credits change colors.....blue......then red.....for a few seconds. Then at the end just some knocking on the cabin door........not spectacular, nothing fancy, nothing special.

And finally.....yes.....M Night does appear in a cameo. He's on some cooking TV show with some lady. He's very giddy happy about it too. It's near the start of the second third of the film....like maybe 20-30 minutes in.

Anyway, I hope this review was helpful. I typed it up in a hurry before getting ready for church.
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