Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Don't listen to the haters!
5 February 2023
Don't listen to all the bad reviews! This show is spectacular. The first season was a little slow but they are building up the characters and the plot so that it has the chance to be long running series. I mean the amount of scores under 4 is absurd. Do you idiots know what a 1 star show consists of??? It's a show that looks like it is shot in a basement somewhere and produced by a 13 year old. With the amount of bad television out right now we need all the well written shows we can get. I know for me, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find something to watch and when you morons give decent shows low ratings and bad reviews it forces the networks to cancel shows prematurely. So please use a little common sense and think about others before you give a show a 1! I've seen pretty much all the good shows out and in my opinion have pretty good taste in movies and shows. So I give you my word that this is a decent show. It's probably an 8 but I gave it a ten to cancel out at least one false rating. Do yourself a favor and draw your own opinion on this one. You won't be sorry. It's fantastic!
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