All narration....
5 February 2023
There is way, way too much narration here. Almost as if someone somewhere forgot that film is primarily a visual medium.

Rather than filming scenes and characters interacting so the audience gets to know everyone, for some reason there's this constant, incessant, narration to explain everything, every setting, every motivation, and everyone.

One could have EASILY killed all the narration and actually filmed a movie. You know where actors act and interact, letting an audience SEE motivations and character idiosyncrasies.

But nope.. any non-narrated scene is approximately 1-2 minutes in length.. then back to another 5-10 minutes of narration. This continues the entire film.

Quite honestly it looked like it was going to be decent at the start... I figured it was narrated at the beginning to set up the characters more quickly and provide backstory that may not be feasible...... however, after 20 minutes of non-stop narration.. I hit fast forward to 30 minutes.... still the same narration pattern. Fast forward to 45 minutes.. still the same narration pattern.... to 60 minutes.. same... It's horrible.

This isn't a "film".. this is a radio program with background visuals. Characters are lost and have no impact because everything is over-explained through narration.

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