Bubblegum Crisis (1987–1991)
Don't believe the hype
5 February 2023
In spite of the over enthusiatic reactions of the fan base on this anime, I have to say that not only it is very dated, but it's not very good even compared to other scifi animes of his time. The plot shows promise in the first episode, but by the third it actually devolves in a formulaic, repetitive and mundane story that gets nowhere. It's full of deus ex machina moments and illogical coincidences too, to the extent that it actually reminded me of the saturday morning cartoons of yore. The characters are very stereotypical, one dimensional, and heavily inspired by Cat's Eye. The great music and nicely animated action scenes are the only elements that can be saved from the general mediocrity, but those are not reasons enough to recommend this time curio to anybody.
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