Goodbye Again (1961)
Well acted drama
6 February 2023
Those familiar with Ingrid Bergman's body of work know that she was never afraid to take a risk. Back in "the day", it was very risky for a mature woman to take a role of a middle-aged woman having an affair with a younger man. It pretty much cemented the actress in old age forever. But Ingrid didn't care, and she made the very well-acted drama Goodbye Again. In contrast to the usual trope, Ingrid isn't a married woman whose husband doesn't pay attention to her. Instead, she's a respected career woman who enjoys the company of Yves Montand without any intention of getting married. Yves is a bit too much of a playboy, though, and Ingrid would like to feel valued. Along comes Anthony Perkins, and he puts Ingrid up on a huge pedestal. Value, appreciation, and dedication get served to her on a silver platter - should she say no just because society won't approve?

You'll have to watch this romantic drama to find out. Fans of the cast will really like it. Also, if you're in the mood for a refreshingly tasteful movie amidst a decade of wild, psychedelic flicks, this will fit the bill. Next up, grab your Kleenexes and try out A Walk in the Spring Rain or Ten North Frederick. Also, keep your eyes peeled for Jesse Royce Landis, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Diahann Carroll, and Yul Brynner in a quick cameo.
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