Grotesque (I) (2022)
Watchable, but nothing outstanding here...
7 February 2023
The synopsis for the 2022 horror movie "Grotesque" sounded interesting enough to get my attention. And with this movie being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen or heard, of course I opted to sit down and watch it.

Writer and director Brandon Rhiness was on to something here, because the movie had potential. However, it was just held back by being a low budget production I think. I found "Grotesque" to be watchable enough for what it turned out to be, but the movie wasn't particularly memorable or outstanding.

The acting performances in the movie were a bag of mixed nuts; some performances were good, while others were amateurish and sort of toe-curling to behold. And that just added to the permeating feel of low budget and home-made movie project that "Grotesque" had going on for it. I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list.

"Grotesque" is a low-key movie in terms of special effects, because there practically weren't any in the movie. So you're not in for a grand spectacle of special effects and impressive slayings either, and that was a shame.

If you are an avid horror fan you might get an ounce of entertainment out of "Grotesque", but don't get your hopes up.

My rating of "Grotesque" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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