Star Kid (1997)
Failed Potential
17 February 2023
As a child I was ecstatic when I saw the trailer for this film blast across my TV. As soon as it was released I grabbed my friend and bum rushed the theater. I even went as far as buying the VHS when it came out. Fast forward a few years into adulthood and I see this film had so much potential to stand the test of time. I'll give it a little mercy because it's a children's film, but it feels rushed, corny and the action sequences are subpar. The young kid from Jurassic park was defiinitley on a hot streak in this era and he was a good choice to carry the film. Just wanted to see more usage of the suit rather than comedic froliicing around the city while destroying property with no rhyme or reason. Since Hollywood is all about remakes, I'd be down for a remake, but make it darker and ante up the action and dialogue.
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