What is it, please?
8 March 2023
'Brian And Charles (2022)' is a wholesome, lo-fi mockumentary about a lonely man who invents a robot. That's really all there is to it, but the picture does a lot with its simple premise primarily by being humorous and heartfelt. It's a very British and very charming effort that's as predictable as it is beautiful, a subtly funny and suitably sappy affair that's enjoyable from beginning to end. It's not particularly complex and it also has a few pacing and narrative issues (primarily in both its opening moments and when it takes a turn into more conventional territory in its latter third). However, it's simply lovely overall. Its faux-documentary aesthetic is mostly maintained and often elevates its comedy; the approach's most effective moment is actually when a frantic Brian yells at a cameraman to get out of his way. There's an undercurrent of sadness to several scenes and, even if it isn't fully explored, it allows the piece to push past its potentially saccharine nature to feel more emotionally rounded. Plus, Charles Petrescu is one of the most likeable characters in recent years, actively feeling like an actual person and spewing a surprising amount of meme-worthy content in the process. That's not to say that Brian isn't likeable as well. In fact, they're a genuinely iconic pair in their own way. Ultimately, this is an enjoyable, funny and heartfelt feature that stands out from the crowd despite being relatively generic at its core.
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