What the hell were the game developers thinking?
31 March 2023
I've always been a big fan of Crash Bandicoot and the cast of characters. Granted Ive only played the original trilogy and outside of that a little of Crash Bash, CTR and Mind Over Mutant. They were great but cant beat the original trilogy for obvious reasons. They were fun and challenging with some really cool level designs. Also when it came to the difficulty for the original trilogy, they were tough but fair

Crash Bandicoot It's about time is sadly the worst Crash Bandicoot game ever made and worst one in the franchise, Im sorry. A lot of the level designs are beautiful and can tend to be quite fun at times. However when it comes to the difficulty it is off the charts. When I started playing this for the first time two weeks ago I was only 4 levels in and was already struggling. Like seriously? That's never happened to me when I played Crash 1, 2 or 3

But wait. It gets. As I progress through every level in every time rift world, the difficulty gets harder and harder until it goes from challenging to tedious. I hate everything that is tedious. When the difficulty of the game or anything else is tedious, it's not fun nor worth the effort in finishing. I was determined to beat the game and then throw it in the trash because it wasnt fun to play Crash 4 everytime I put the disc in, it was work and a real chore

Video games arent meant to be chore or work, they are meant to be fun. Yes games should definitely be challenging at times because otherwise every game would be boring and not worth playing. However when it came to Crash Bandicoot 1 the very original game as hard and difficult it was, it was still fair. But not Crash 4 It's about time. It's not fair at all or challenging, just tedious

I got to the second to the last level and after two weeks of raging and slowly no longer having fun and losing interest, I gave up and threw it in the trash. I already knew how the story ended anyway when I watched the gameplay from a Youtuber back in late 2020. The second to the last level was the last straw when it required you to balance and time every mask you use in it while avoiding lasers and trying to platform. To many lasers, TNT, Nitros and trying to change from mask to mask hoping you'll make it through trial and error was not worth it. This level Im talking about is Cortex Castle, look it up and see for yourself

Hell, I stopped caring about trying to get most of the boxes and look for gems by the time I got to the 5th time rift world and just wanted to beat the level through trial and error no matter how many times I died and I did. But Cortex Castle was the last straw for me. Never again

It's a shame because I liked the story for Crash 4 and where some of the levels you can play as Cortex, Dingodile or Tawna. Those were great. But the insane tedious difficulty that kept getting more and more ridiculous from the second world and up just killed and ruined it for me. Hey fair play and much respect to those that not only beat but also got every box and gems. Kudos.
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