Time Now (2021)
No Burner
2 April 2023
I've wondered, briefly, what the films my TV cable guide rates at 11 or 14% must be like. 'Time Now' has illustrated the depths of the despised for me.

Here we are, 52 minutes in, and no closer to knowing the circumstances of protagonist Jenny's apparently total, years-long break with her family. Nor do we know what happened to Jenny's brother Andrew, beyond that their mother is still bitter about Jenny naming her son after him, three (?) or four years later. (I'm not even sure if Jenny's a twin or a triplet; she's been called both.)

In media res is a fine way to start...but you can't spend a whole film stuck there. Especially since there's no action here to start in the middle of: just a glacially paced, barely lit, back-and-forth around a main character with so little spark or personality she's basically a nonentity who drives. And drives.

This film is so halfhearted and plodding the one lively character, Claudia Black as June/Jojo, stands out like she's wearing a flaming arrow on her head.

Curse you, IMDB, for making me give it a 1.
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