Tropefest Galore & Notes From a REAL Allergy
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dang it. Only an hour in, supposed to be getting sucked into the drama and instead have to break to check IMDB to confirm my suspicions. More failed writing, inconsistencies obvious to a 5 year old and a growing number of weary tropes and cliches. Why, oh why? The comments thus far speak to most.

1. Annoying children jammed in for no reason. Kids that simply do not exist in the real world. Adds nothing to the story and only distracts.

2. One second they're seeing the ground coming up, maybe 5,000 feet or so... next second they're a thousand feet above the cloud deck.

3. Casting: "Well, real guy was white, so we need him to be a black dude instead." The little girl with the black friend. Check. All concerned like adults where if any real kid thought they were to hear a crash, they'd be saying "Cool!" and eagerly recording it for content on their YouTube channel.

4. Idiot calling on a cell phone from the tower to call, of course, the one guy that can save them; all dramatic as it's against fed rules instead of, oh, I don't know... stepping out for a minute? Or maybe explaining to the sup first?

5. Is there some MPAA rule requiring some dumb kid to have terminal peanut allergies? Of course they never have the adrenaline near. I myself AM deathly allergic to peanuts but at least for me, I can sense it a mile away like a whiff of gasoline. Still had close calls if not paying attention, such as 10 years ago when I gobbled down some chocolate cake loaded with it. You start feeling it pretty quick but NOBODY shows it like it is. Here the kid just acts like she lost consciousness, slumps in her seat without any hint or sign of airway compromise or the intense soft tissue swelling.

Anaphalytic shock swells you up like a balloon, including your airway which is the big threat. Tissue can swell up, block your airway then you die. THAT'S how it kills you. It ain't like venom that will kill you on itself but the effects. Last time above? I WORKED full time at the local ER ... close enough (10 minutes) to race there (280Z) and stumble in as airway swelled. I'm a bit distinctive, too... tall, skinny like Ichabod Crane with face to match yet my own shfit workmates did not recognize me and kept asking for my name.

Note: most say epinephrine (epi pens) but is essentially the same as adrenaline; my term bias only. Never used one but ex EMT as well and may be wrong but jamming it into a leg would not be my choice. Hoping to hit the femoral? Who knows?

Will let the rest of the comments tackle the rest and leave with a final note to all out there on acute anaphylatic reactions: If an epi pen is not around, most asthma inhalers (if not all) contain adrenaline and will work in a pinch. More common and recognizable. Carry on.

Happily, once adrenaline is on board, it's like an instant switch. Resolves fast.
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