Are you kidding me? (spoilers after a warning)
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Early on I was into this movie. It has a certain charm and a tone that I like. I was intrigued in the premise and invested in the conflict that happens early. Allen Maldonado is a good comedic addition.

But it takes a while to really get into the story. And when we finally know what it's really about, I could not stop thinking about how stupid it is. It makes NO sense. There is no possible scenario or logic where any of it would be feasible.

My interest continued to dwindle as we learn more. And by the end, I was just waiting for it to finish. It's a shame, this had potential to be something cool. If you want something else crazy but actually good, try another 2022 movie called Fresh. (1 viewing, 4/8/2023)




So let me get this straight. Let me see if I understand this "plan." The governor issues an executive order to arrest all illegal immigrants and their US born children. All of these arrested people will be forced to work at a nursing home until they are turned into elderly. They are then turned into meat to use at a fast food chain to save them money.

Are you out of your minds?

Just to be clear, my problem is not with how messed up it is to do this to people. I love how sinister it is. My issue is that it's the stupidest plan in the history of plans. There are too many things wrong with it to list out.

My favorite part is that the extreme aging was an unforeseen side effect of the hormones. And I don't know a lot about meat, but I don't think you would want near-death elderly meat.

The Lily twist didn't surprise me at all. I didn't see the Micah twist coming, but I didn't care at that point. Also, there is an interview she does early in the movie that makes no sense in retrospect.
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