common threads
14 April 2023
Somber, affecting documentary that elicits sadness and anger in equal measure. The former, of course, is for the subjects of this film, all taken in their thirties or younger in a most painful and hideous fashion, as well as the story tellers who are left to get on with their lives and fight the emptiness as best they can. Fury is reserved for the federal government, under one of our worst presidents, perversely made better by the complete odiousness of Trump, who did the bare minimum for eight years and did not come up with an even halfway effective drug until fear of the scourge spreading to the heterosexual population spurred it to semi action.

I have two criticisms. One is that this film is not long enough. A subject as big as the AIDS crisis needs more extensive treatment than an hour and twenty minutes, especially the shamefully inadequate government response. My other knock is that the ghostly, choral music score at times verges on misery porn. Give it a B.
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