Possession (1981)
I don't get it
15 April 2023
This is a difficult one to rate. It's not a badly made film. Quite the opposite. I can only rate it based on much I personally liked it which, unfortunately, was not much.

I got the impression that this was a deeply personal sort of film where the filmmaker was working through some very personal issues. In other words, the filmmaker made this mostly for himself. Unfortunately, I am not him and most of what he was doing here was lost on me. All of the characters are stark raving bonkers. Nothing they do or say make any sense. The dialogue is mostly a lot of artsy sounding nonsense. It probably means something to the filmmaker but it doesn't mean a damn thing to me. There are a lot of histrionics and overacting. A good chunk of the movie is taken up by the lead actress screaming and spazzing out. There's a monster or maybe there isn't? I don't know. It's hard to tell what is and isn't supposed to be metaphorical. Maybe all of it is.

In the end, I just didn't get much out of this movie. I usually think people who say, "You just don't get it" are either making excuses for a poorly done, vague movie or falling for obscurantism. In this case, I don't get this movie.
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