The Big Land (1957)
The Big Land is a big joke!
20 April 2023
(1957) The Big Land WESTERN

It opens with Chad Morgan (Alan Ladd) getting a real crappy deal regarding selling some cattle to Brog (Anthony Caruso). For it doesn't explain why Chad couldn't have sold the cattle to someone else. We then find out that Chad used to fought on the side of the Confederacy, and because the civil war had just ended, much of the pro-Yankee residents of some of the current towns he's stopping by do not respect him. He does however manage to find a barn and strikes up a friendship with an alcoholic named Joe( Edmond O'Brien). Because Joe was looking for more liquor, he manages to get out of a hanging when Chad intervenes. And after they ride off together, we learn more things about Joe, that he has some connections to the railway station, and coincidentally Brog suddenly becomes involved.

This is one of those movies where one can predict when bad things start to happen, it is when good guys stand there doing nothing until good people get killed. Therefore, it's very routine stuff. Alan Ladd's actual son have a pretty funny scene except that it's not another "Shane" western.
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