Clever and very funny
20 April 2023
This was one of the funniest movies I've watched in years. Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington play their parts to perfection with nuance and subtlety that for a while made me wonder if they weren't real people! I love this approach and hope this sets a new standard for how this type of mockumentary is done. Most that I've watched tend to be over-the-top and try way too hard for laughs.

These two guys give us complete three-dimensional characters who play off one another effectively. Each character is completely self-absorbed and lost in diverse obsessions. Heidecker is hell bent on revenge against a municipality and its DA who tried to hold him responsible - and rightfully so, for negligence. Turkington plays to perfection, a movie buff whose world revolves around cinema, but who also is playing out a vendetta against his co-star.

The laughs come early and often. I highly recommend this one.
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